
Showing posts from November, 2021

New York Hiking and Backpacking Tips

  What could be better than hiking in Upstate New York ? This part of the country is known for its forests, streams, lakes and great hiking spots. It is also known for its restaurants and its fun things to do. Many writers, photographers and other outdoor enthusiasts have spent many pleasurable hours here. For many of these people, hiking is their second home. Upstate New York hiking has become especially popular with many avid Garden State residents. The great thing about Upstate is that it has so many hiking trails. These trails range from challenging to easy, and span across the entire area. Best Hiking Trail In Upstate New York was selected by several popular bloggers to be included in their annual "Best Hiking Destinations" lists. The Black River Trail is located in Black River Falls which is located right in Upsstate. The Black River Falls is a popular tourist destination for those looking for an adventure. This trail follows the flow of the Black River and offers spect

How To Minimise The Negative Impact Of Amazon FBA Fees

  Amazon's third party payment gateway, Amazon FBA , is a fast and convenient way to process credit card payments for online sellers. It is free to sign up and start processing card payments, but there are some fees that may make it more expensive than other payment gateways. But, all of those advantages come with a price. For that purpose, you'll use Amazon seller tools that help you track all Amazon FBA fees and their fluctuations. The most common Amazon fee is the annual listing fee, also known as AML. This is calculated based on the total sale price in dollars for the year. Amazon has several formulas for calculating this fee, but the one used to calculate the total includes: net sales less selling expenses, net sales less selling and shipping costs, net sales less selling and shipping expenses plus a one-time charge for the Refer-a-Friend program. This charge may seem like a huge number, but it is only about 4% of the total fees paid by amazon sellers. In most cases, selle

Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend - How to Ask Questions to Get the Best Answer

  Do you need some quick questions to ask your girlfriend ? Well these flirty questions to ask your girlfriend can take your love life to a whole new level. What's your favorite place to be with her? What's your least favorite place to be with her? These are some great questions to ask your girlfriend and I'm going to show you how to ask them and get exactly what you want from the interaction. One of the biggest problems any relationship faces is the lack of closeness. Most people simply don't have enough time for each other. That's why the dating advice you find on the internet always revolves around one thing, deep questions. If you want to create a deeper connection with your girlfriend then the questions to ask are going to be very important. Deep questions are the type of questions that get your girlfriend thinking. They force her to think about you and what makes you so special. This is where the magic happens. It's the best way to start a relationship be